Monday, 13 January 2014

New Discovery - Petit Fantome - Stave

Petit Fantome - Stave - Available for Download here: Petit Fantome

So my first real discovery of 2014 is the French indie band Petit Fantome.  I like the French plain and simple.  I really like the language because I believe I understand at least every other word.  For instance, "petit" is small.    "Fantome" is phantom.  So I guessed correctly.   Small fantom.  I speak French now.  At least paranormal French.   Is a small fantom a midget phantom or dwarf phantom?  Unknown.

What I do know is that the nice thing about the newest wave of French indie bands is that they actually sing in their native language.  No longer muttering through English phrases awkwardly. Lets face it though, even when we hear lyrics in English we really only listen to few words or phrases, don't we?  I mean who knows what the hell Eddy Vedder is singing half the time.  Yet, Pearl Jam is everyone's favourite band anyway.  So what's wrong with a little French.  I get more than I do listening to a song in Vedderese.  And it really is an elegant language.

So I won't bore you too much with descriptives, but this 2013 mix tape is a bit of hip hop, some swanky keyboards and really distorted guitars, maybe some Neil Young vocals thrown in.  Just  cool, cool, frais.   I'm really not sure what's not to like other than that the record is just too short.  Oh well, it's free so  you aren't giving up much.  And you get  a load in return - really organic modern original stuff.  I didn't feel bothered listening to it to have to come up with linkages.  The language barrier allows this to be exotic and melow.  The first track "Peio" is fantastic.  It appears to be referring to a mountain in Italy or it could be the Political Economy of International Organizations.  Google can only take me so far.  So you decide.  I'm thinking probably the Italian mountain?  The fourth track "Le passage" has some killer freaky French rap.  For a second, I thought I was back in H-town.  Just brilliant.

Also check out their 2011 LP "Yallah".

Petit Fantome is making the rounds of the Indie festival circuit the past two years.  So hoping to catch them at one of those or around London.

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