Saturday, 12 April 2014

What does poetry have to do with a music blog?

Nothing and everything.  Every song is a poem.

I was reading about Jack Kerouac today and it inspired me to take a walk through the Hampstead Heath.  If you've never done this in London, I highly recommend it.  As I sat down after about 3.5 hours of stumbling around and spraining ankles on muddy back trails, I wrote something that just made me actually cry.  If you know me well, that would not surprise you at all.

This poem was ostensibly about someone special to me.  But then I realised it was really about everyone.  I thought I'd share it even though it's obviously personal. I hope you don't mind.  I usually keep my poems to myself and my iPad.  But I'm not going to do that forever.

(And for my drinking mates, no I'm not crazy or anything.  And I'm completely sober at the moment.)

Thoughts on Kerouac

The world we see is just a movie
The rock does not see
Our thoughts are irrelevant
Our equations zero sum games

All we have is love
All our gifts to the world are love
So we must give and give
And withhold nothing

We must sound love's call
And we must love receiving it
And ignore the world of chemistry
Of neurons firing and biology

And forget our bodies
They are nothing
Self is of no importance
It and they have no future

This movie will end
Credits will scroll the page
Teardrops will fall and organs play
But true love once given remains

For every single part
Where you have a role here with me
I am thankful and remember my friend
I will love you

Well since this is still a music blog, not a tear inducing poetry blog, I just wanted to post a wonderful video to remind my normally musically literate friend Paul who Jack White is.  Frankly, this song sticks in my brain every single time I think about the importance of being present in anyone's life. Such a critical thing.

White Stripes - Doorbell: White Stripes - Doorbell

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